Learn more about your cat. is correct! Cats are really good jumpers and can jump very high. You can often see them on top of garden fences or on very high walls! They have very strong muscles in their legs that propel them into the air A purr means the cat is content. Most of the time, cats purr when they are happy and content. This is usually the case when it gets a good prank from its owner. They use grunts as a means of communication. The oldest cat is 38 years old. The oldest cat on record lived to be 38 years old. His name is Cream Puff! Most domestic cats live around 16-17 years.
- Developmentally, the first year of a cat’s life corresponds to the first 15 years of a human’s life. After the second year, the cat’s human age is 25. After that, each year a cat lives is roughly equivalent to seven human years.
- A cat’s ears can be rotated 180 degrees.
- On average, cats can hear at least five times better than adults.
- For the largest cat breeds, the average male weight is about 20 pounds.
- Domestic cats sleep about 70% of the day. and 15% off daycare.
- A cat cannot look directly under its nose.
- Most cats don’t have eyelashes.
- Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four on their hind paws. However, it is not uncommon for cats to have extra toes. This cat is known to have 32 – 8 toes on its toes!
- Some people believe that if you dream of a white cat, good luck will follow.
- Meow Meow is not the native language of cats – they evolved to communicate with humans!