15 Funny pictures of dogs sleeping in odd places

Funny pictures of dogs sleeping in odd places 13

We’ve all seen a puppy who’s exhausted from exploring but can’t admit it, desperately staying alert while trying not to keep his little brown eyes closed. The blinks slowed, and lasted longer and longer as his head slowly sank, perhaps the tongue sticking out of his mouth and finally… popping out. The puppy fell asleep immediately.

15 Funny pictures of dogs sleeping in odd places
15 Funny pictures of dogs sleeping in odd places

The result of this on-the-spot dozing is that cute dogs often fall asleep in the weirdest places and sleeping positions – sometimes just scratching their heads and thinking, “How can this be comfortable?” As someone who can’t sleep on a plane, I Wish I could find a place to crash like those stupid dogs!

These funny dogs just don’t care! Scroll down to see them for yourself and share your own cute dog in the comments!


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