All about puppies

All about puppies

First, your puppy needs to be socialized (especially between weeks 8 and 14). Dogs that are properly socialized from an early age tend to be happier, well-adjusted dogs that can handle stress satisfactorily.

All about puppies
All about puppies

Play puppy/social classes with other dogs
Car trips that don’t end with a visit to the vet or hairdresser
Touch ears, collar, paws, tail, mouth (reward for correct behavior)
Visit parks, outdoor shops and dog-friendly restaurants
Caress and attention for adults and children
sporting events or other noisy outdoor activities

Crate training

The most responsible behavior for puppy owners is to teach their dogs to spend time in a cage. Unfortunately, many pet owners consider cage training to be cruel, and if the puppy whimper and cry, they will quickly leave the cage. This is unfortunate because removing the crate causes most of the problems puppy owners endure.

If the owner decides not to use the crate, we ask them if they will allow the toddler to run around the house unsupervised. Of course, none of them will. We then explained that a loose puppy was just as dangerous as an unattended child, and pointed out wires that were visible throughout the room. The last thing anyone wants to bring home is a puppy that has died, especially from electrocution.

Some other reasons to keep a dog in a cage include:

Burglary issues – puppies don’t usually eliminate where they eat and sleep
Stealing and Chewing – Putting a puppy in a crate will greatly reduce damage to furniture and items when you can’t see it.
Give the other animals a break – if the animals can talk, they’ll all agree that puppies are annoying. Fencing a puppy can prevent him from disturbing other animals in the house, thereby limiting fights.
Blockages and Surgery – Every year dogs undergo surgery to remove blockages caused by eating something their bodies cannot get through.
Separation Anxiety – Dogs need to learn to enjoy themselves. Those who depend on them for everything can become anxious when their caregivers are not at home.
Stimulation – The puppy is sleeping or studying. Exploring this new world can be tiring for puppies. An overstimulated or tired puppy will drink more than usual. The crate allows puppies to relax and sleep without worrying about their surroundings.
Bedwetting – Dogs that sleep with humans often mark their position by urinating in them. The bed was marked with a human scent and the dog wanted to add its scent too. Other bedwetters simply suffer from bed breaking issues or are unable to jump out of bed.
Injuries – We want to prevent our dogs from falling down stairs and falling off furniture (including tables).
Escape – When someone opens the front door, we must protect the puppy from sliding out the front door. Solve common problems with crates:

Crying in the crate: Everything is new in a new home for a puppy. They no longer have littermates to hug, or their mothers. The environment looks and smells weird to them. When the family disappeared, they were alone for the first time. It is common for puppies to cry, bark and whimper in the cage. Removing an unhappy puppy (or older dog) from the crate can make the behavior worse. While not an easy task, your family must ignore the puppy even if the protest lasts for a few hours. This practice can lead to a few sleepless nights, but most puppies eventually settle down and understand that a cage means resting after a few nights. Besides ignoring this behavior, here are some tips to help the puppy transition to the crate:

Teach the puppy to enter the crate. Provide them with quality hospitality.
Feed the puppy in the crate. Tell him good things will happen there.
Cover the crate with a crate lid or blanket at night. It will feel more like a cave.
Make sure you have a comfortable bed. If the puppy chews on the bed, try a mat, blanket, or towel. To be on the safe side, you can also leave out any bedding. Puppies sleep well on plastic boxes.
Find toys your puppy likes to play with and only offer them when he is in the cage.
Provide teething toys in a box
Turn your radio or TV into a talk show. The voice mimics the same sounds the puppies hear when they are at home. Classical music is designed to calm the dog, but any type of music can cause stress if not played around the house regularly.
Apply lavender oil to the collar or around to calm the puppy. Read essential oils and pet safety tips to make sure these oils don’t have any negative effects on dogs. Remember that a dog’s nose is much more sensitive than a human nose. Diffuse the same oil when you are petting or massaging your dog. That way, when you’re not around, the scent will remind him to rest.
Feed Kong peanut butter, pumpkin or dog food. Freeze it for a longer lasting treat. Keep in mind that the food in the crate can cause the dog to defecate if you leave it for a long time. They may suggest that they only serve a small amount. Inedible chewing bones also work.
Make sure your dog has a bowel movement before putting it in the crate.
Be fair to the time your dog spends in the crate.
Sometimes puppies feel insecure when the crate is too large. He can also be eliminated in an oversized box. Use cage dividers to limit the space your puppy needs.

Elimination in the crate is another problem you will face. Occasionally we come across a dog sleeping in his poop. These dogs are called “dirty dogs”. Dirty dogs are not common. Most dogs go to great lengths to avoid shipping crates. However, the dog can only wait until it has an accident. These dogs are usually huddled in the corners of the crate to avoid confusion. You need to make sure the box is not so big that the dog can sleep in one corner and poop in the other.

A crate should be large enough for the dog to roll over and lie down. Metal crates come with dividers. Dividers can also be used to limit the space a puppy can enter. Also, the box can grow with the puppy. Dividers are not provided with the rubber carrying case. These must be purchased by size to ensure they are not too big or too small. In addition to reducing the size of the box, feeding the dog in the box is recommended. Dogs don’t usually poop where they eat.


Burglary is the hardest part of puppy owner training. Basically because tearing down puppies is a full-time job. When you eliminate a puppy, it’s time for the next meal, and the process repeats over and over. Actually, burglary is annoying, but it’s also easy.

Limit eating for 20 minutes. If the dog hasn’t eaten anything during this time, remove the food until the next meal. Grazing dogs eat a little and poop a little throughout the day.

To address your concerns about this rule:

Dogs don’t starve to death. They eat when they are hungry.
Puppies eat three meals a day, so they don’t have to wait too many hours for their next meal.

Puppies usually have a bowel movement between 15 minutes and 1 hour and 15 minutes after a meal. Smaller dogs may have a bowel movement immediately after a meal, while larger dogs leave after a few hours.

Successful owners:

Crate your puppy immediately after meals and leave them there for ten minutes. Smaller dogs who defecate immediately should be taken outside after they have eaten.
Note: A crate and an X-Pen are two different things. X-Pens are a play area for puppies. These are oversized and puppies always have accidents in them. The X-Pen should only be used after the puppy has gone to the toilet.
When you’re not using the crate, you should keep yourself on a leash so you can keep an eye on the dog. As soon as you turn around, the dog will go to the toilet. There is no freedom until the dog goes to the toilet.
Keep the puppy on a leash. no freedom. You have work to do. A free-running or unsupervised puppy can easily get distracted by anything. Distractions can cause them to hold back their waste until they get back inside. They can’t track free-roaming puppies outdoors and are often unsure if the dog is outside.
Walk the dog in the garden for 5 to 10 minutes. Reward the dog (or yard freedom) if the dog retires. If the dog does not come out, it will return to the cage for another 15 minutes. This practice continues until the dog goes to the bathroom. Never leave your dog outside for long periods of time waiting for him to go to the bathroom. The dog needs to know where it can and cannot excrete (outside) (inside).
Keep tables of feeding times, elimination times, and incidents. This will help you understand your puppy’s system. If your dog vomits repeatedly three hours after a meal, he will start breaking in after 2.5 hours.

Give water at every meal. Dogs need to drink water when they eat. Water is also removed as the food is pulled off the ground. Puppies who drink a lot of water often have the highest rates of indoor accidents.
You can add a little water to your kibble to make sure your dog gets hydrated during the meal.

Sucking water off the ground doesn’t mean denying your dog water. The puppy should be watered after vigorous play, when thirsty, or anytime during the day. Puppies will usually urinate 10 to 20 minutes after licking. Only give water when you have time to wait for the puppy to urinate. Again, the times given are “typical”. Some dogs urinate earlier, while others take longer.

Successful owners:

Crate your puppy and place them in the crate for ten minutes immediately after drinking the water.
When you’re not using the crate, you should keep yourself on a leash so you can keep an eye on the dog. There is no freedom until the dog goes to the toilet.
Keep the puppy on a leash.
Walk the dog in the garden for 5 to 10 minutes. Reward the dog with a treat (or yard cleanup) when the dog urinates. If the dog cannot urinate, he will return to the cage for another 10 minutes. This practice continues until the dog goes to the bathroom. Dogs need to know where to do business (outside) and where not to do business (inside).
Keep a graph of drinking time, elimination time (including accidents), and appropriate outdoor elimination time.

You should take your puppy outside in the morning, after every nap, whenever you leave the dog in the crate for a few hours, before going out, at bedtime, and regularly throughout the day (not just after meals).
Before releasing the puppy from the crate, you must be prepared to head straight outside. This means the shoes and jacket are on and the belt is on hand. When you get the puppy out of the crate and ready to go out, allow time to clean up the accident in the bathroom.
Puppies should wear a harness and be on a leash when they come out of their cages and are supervised by their families. Puppies can injure themselves with harnesses and leashes, so neither should be left on puppies unattended or in crates. As a safety precaution, most families also remove collars from unattended puppies.

If you spot a puppy in an accident around the house or about to leave, startle the puppy by yelling “no” and clapping or using voice correction (a pot of coins). Then immediately grab the leash and take the puppy outside. If the puppy goes to the bathroom outside, reward him with food. If the dog is already urinating indoors and does not continue to urinate when you bring him outside, simply bring him indoors without further warning. Time is over. Never punish with a box.
If you find out about the accident later, don’t blame the puppy. It’s too late. Also, the only way you’ll find out about an accident after the fact is if you didn’t pay close attention to the dog. Never leave a puppy unattended.

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