How to cool down a cat in hot weather – When the heat hits, cats don’t just feel hot and worried—they’re more likely to develop deadly heatstroke. During warm summer months, it’s important to keep your cat’s body temperature as low as possible, so here are our top tips for cats with chills.
What if your cat is too hot?
Take your cat to a cool place.
Provide drinking water.
Spray cool water on the cat’s fur.
Use a fan or available breeze to help cool your cat.
If possible, continue this treatment while you take the cat to the veterinarian, which you should do right away.
These strategies will help your cat stay cool during a heatwave:
Ensure fresh water is readily available
Provide your cat with a cool, well-ventilated space
If they are outside, make sure there is shade from dawn to dusk
If they are indoors, use an air conditioner, open windows, or use a fan to cool the room
It can be helpful to put a bottle of chilled water in front of the fan
Make sure your cat’s coat is free of tangles or tangles (dull hair retains heat) and consider clipping long-haired cats
You can try circumcision on the abdomen only
stroking your cat with a wet towel
Wrap an ice pack in a towel and place it in his favorite sleeping position
You can make an ice pack by freezing a plastic bottle filled with water; keep in mind that water expands when it freezes, so don’t fill it to the brim and squeeze the air out before it freezes
Check sheds, greenhouses and cars before closing. Cats trapped inside may suffer from heat stroke
Never leave a cat in the car, even with the windows open – the temperature inside the car can rise rapidly with fatal consequences.
Heatstroke can kill cats, so you must act quickly. Your goal is to get your pet’s body temperature back to normal – but don’t use ice or very cold water as this can make the problem worse. Here is a list:
Call your veterinarian and do what he says
They may suggest you:
take your cat to a cool place
Provide drinking water
Spray cool water on the cat’s fur
Use a fan or available breeze to help cool your cat
If possible, continue this treatment while you take the cat to the vet, which you should do right away.